Nominations for ANZVS Officers and Committee closed at the end of April and results as follows were announced to members in May and are published in ANZVS Journal No. 51 (June 2022). Many, many thanks to Greg retiring as president, Olwyn as Secretary/Journal Editor and Judith Gust from committee.

President: Robert Harris (that's him in the photo)
Vice President & President Emeritus: Dr Michael Vidulich
Secretary: Raquel Bastos
Treasurer: Neil Shepherd
Journal Editor: Alison Giles-Damjanovska
Consultant to ANZVS: Andrew Filmer
Immediate Past President: Greg McGarity
Past President: Anna Brooker
Past Secretary/Journal Editor: Olwyn Green
Website Design: Elyse Dalabakis
Facebook Page Moderator: Peter Garrity
Regional Contacts:
Paul Groh Mid Coast
Helen Tuckey WA
Alina Zamfir ACT
David Banney Newcastle
Heather Powrie South Coast/Southern Highlands